1763: THE THIRTEEN COLONIES. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 stops the seizure of Indian lands by speculators from the Thirteen Colonies and establishes a frontier, essentially the Appalachian Mountains, to the west of which vast tracts of land are to be preserved in perpetuity where Indian nations will be able to carry on their traditional way of life.
Even after the frontier is established, land speculators, slave-owner George Washington, the wealthiest man in the American colonies most prominent among them, arrange to “hunt out and mark” Indian land beyond the frontier to be seized as soon as the Royal Proclamation and treaties can be safely ignored. Washington who, generations of American children have, with the fabricated story of the cherry tree, been indoctrinated to believe, "cannot tell a lie", writes to his criminal co-conspirator, Captain William Crawford, that their “scheme must be snugly carried on by you under the pretence of hunting other game.”
1766-1776: THIRTEEN COLONIES. Deeply in debt from its war with
Due to opposition to the various taxes, they are repealed. In 1766, the Stamp Act was repealed. In 1779 the British government repealed the Townshend Acts and all duties on imports into the Thirteen Colonies with the exception of tea. In 1773, the British Parliament eliminated all British taxes on tea being imported into the Thirteen Colonies with the exception of a small levy in the Colonies themselves. Other than this, by 1773 there was no taxation of the Thirteen Colonies at all by
1770: THIRTEEN COLONIES. According to John Adams, who would become the second president of the United States, "a motley rabble of saucy boys, Negroes and mulattoes, Irish Teagues and outlandish jack tarrs," were harassing a British sentry. He calls for help, but the soldiers who come to his rescue are driven back by the mob. The "rabble" grows to about fifty people armed with rocks and sticks. The crowd are warned to desist but continue to throw rocks at the British soldiers. Eventually, the soldiers open fire on the mob killing five. The first to die is a black sailor, Crispus Attucks. Several British soldiers are ultimately convicted of manslaughter.
Attucks is often said to be the first person to die in the American Revolution. The irony of a black man being the first person to die in a revolution which had the primary purpose of maintaining slavery seems to have escaped notice. In 1888, the City of Boston erected a rather florid statue to Attucks on Boston Common, again without a hint of irony.The slaveowners' chief propagandist, Samuel Adams creates from the incident a mythological Boston Massacre in which evil British soldiers cold bloodedly massacre innocent colonists. Each year on the anniversary of the shooting, the propaganda fires are rekindled. Paul Revere does his bit by deceiving and inflaming the public (and raking in the dough) by creating and offering for sale an engraving depicting the so-called massacre which is inaccurate in almost every detail, most significantly in the fact that the soldiers are shown standing in a straight line shooting on command into an orderly and completely innocent crowd in broad daylight. In fact, it was a scene of nighttime chaos with the mob attacking the soldiers.
Among the many fallacious details in Revere's engraving is the race of Crispus Attucks, who lies dead on the ground. He is shown as being white. Can't be havin' no dead niggers in our propaganda pieces, can we now?
1772-83: THIRTEEN COLONIES. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Words ringing with freedom. A glorious revolution, we are told, led by high-minded lovers of liberty who fought to bring the miracle of democracy to a valiant, enterprising and freedom-loving people oppressed by an evil colonial power.
Unfortunately, like just about everything else we have all been carefully trained to believe, it's just a great big load of red, white and blue bullshit.
With more than two centuries of propaganda, brainwashing and masturbatory invention on the subject of the American Revolution, it is all but impossible to find reference in the United States, outside scholarly works, to the fact that throughout the 1760s and 1770s, there was a growing movement to abolish slavery throughout the British Empire, including the Thirteen Colonies. The abolition campaign reached a climactic point on June 22, 1772 when Lord Mansfield, Lord Chief Justice of Britain, handed down an epoch-making decision in the case of the "Negro slave known as James Somerset", against the man who purported to own him, Charles Steuart of Virginia.
In his decision, Lord Mansfield declared that “slavery is not allowed nor approved by the law of England” and that Somerset must therefore be set free. Upon hearing the decision, blacks in the audience stood up and bowed to the Court. The Court also recognized that the legal principle of habeas corpus was applicable to black people, a terrifying prospect for slaveowners. The Somerset decision, and another similar one from the Scottish justices shortly thereafter, were stunning victories for the abolitionists and catastrophic defeats for slaveowners throughout the British Empire. These pivotal legal decisions would ultimately lead to the abolition of slavery in all British colonies and possessions throughout the world.
The only way to retain their wealth and power was to retain slavery and the only way to retain slavery was to break away from Britain. Contrary to popular belief, every one of the Thirteen Colonies including New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware practiced slavery.
Shortly after word of the Somerset decision reached Virginia, slaveowner Thomas Jefferson and four other Virginia politicians began to meet in private. They proposed the formation of a "committee of correspondence" of the colonies which was a first step to breaking away from Great Britain. They persuaded their cronies in the Virginia House of Burgesses to present a resolution for the formation of the committees of correspondence. The resolution included a list of committee members, Peyton Randolph, Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson and several others. Every single one a slaveowner.
Also missing from the fantasyland version of the American Revolution sold to the American public is the central fact that, in 1768, the British had entered into treaties with the American Indian nations, prohibiting further theft of their land by speculators including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. The Treaty of Fort Stanwix with the Iroquois, the Treaty of Hard Labor with the Cherokee and the Treaty of Pensacola with the Cree effectively confirmed the establishment of the frontier by the Royal Proclamation of 1763.
The very word “frontier” as it applied to the Thirteen Colonies is soon perverted by propagandists for the American ruling class into a land of make-believe where valiant, freedom-loving pioneers in coonskin caps with their best girl by their side wrestle bears and struggle to tame the wilderness. In reality, the frontier was a legally-established boundary, intended to be the limit of land theft by the speculators such as George Washington, preserving forever the land on which the Indian nations were guaranteed by law the right to carry on their traditional way of life.
The majority of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were, in fact, slave owners or their representatives. Virtually all of the signers of the Declaration were land speculators. Most of the “heroes” of the Revolution and of early America were, in reality, resolute opponents of equality, freedom, liberty, the rule of law and, above and beyond everything else, of democracy. Their true and blatantly obvious purposes were to steal Indian land in violation of legally binding agreements, to preserve slavery in perpetuity in order to maintain their own wealth and power as the ruling class and to install a tyranny of that same elite behind a facade of democracy. In fact, like just about it everything else in this sad old world, it was all about money and power.
The Declaration of Independence was followed by the Test Laws, designed to force all colonists into swearing allegiance to their local junta. A record was kept of those who took the oath and they were issued with "a certificate for safety from arrest". Failure to take the oath meant imprisonment, confiscation of property, loss of all legal rights, banishment and even death. Those who refused to participate in the slave-owners’ revolution were barred from holding office, banned from the professions and forced to pay double or triple taxes.
Eight months after supposedly giving his famous cry, “Give me liberty or give me death”, which may itself be yet another invention of the propaganda machine, freedom-loving slave-owner and land speculator Patrick Henry ordered “diligent patrols” to prevent slaves in Virginia from accepting an offer of liberty by Britain. Propagandized-to-tedium land speculator Benjamin Franklin, instrumental in drafting that immortal paean to freedom, the Declaration of Independence, owned human beings as slaves. The freedom-loving “patriots” of the colony of Rhode Island, a major slave trading center, purchased African slaves who were forced to fight and die in the Revolutionary armies in the place of those lily white lovers of liberty who had purchased them as property.
In contrast, Britain, the evil colonial power, not only ultimately abolished slavery in its own possessions but fought slavery worldwide, maintaining costly naval blockades of the African coast year-round and pursuing slave ships on the high seas, freeing captured Africans. In the new “free” United States, slavery continued to exist for a century after the Revolution. Those slaves who could escaped to freedom in British territory in Canada via the Underground Railroad.
Even after the Civil War, legally mandated apartheid, carrying the seal of approval of that great defender of human rights, the United States Supreme Court, existed until the 1960s, complete with lynchings, cross burnings, mass murder and wholesale electoral fraud. De facto apartheid, systemic discrimination, entrenched racism and race-based electoral fraud exist to the present moment, two hundred and thirty years after the Revolution, most of us have been brainwashed into believing, brought freedom, liberty and democracy to America.
Ordinary colonists were forced to join the Revolution by a campaign of systematic terror carried out largely by the so-called Sons of Liberty. Those who did not wish to fight for the profits and power of the slave-owners and land speculators were harassed, jailed, tortured and murdered; their land stolen, their houses, farms, businesses and ships burned or otherwise destroyed by “patriots”. Males who could not escape were forced into the Revolutionary armies, except for the wealthy who could, as always, buy their way out of the draft or buy slaves to take their place, the Texas Air National Guard having not yet been created. Hundreds of thousands of people of all ethnic and racial groups, more than half the population in some areas, fled the flag-waving terrorists to Canada, the Bahamas, Bermuda and other sanctuaries.
Lies and propaganda, fabricated stories of outrages and massacres, much of it invented and spread by slave-owner Sam Adams, the largely mythical “Boston Massacre” being the most notorious and ludicrous example, were used to manipulate public opinion and build support for the war.
The "republican" “patriots” allied themselves with King Louis XIV of France, whose armies and navy were largely responsible for the military success of the Revolution as part of a world-wide war against Britain. France also provided cash and arms to the "patriots" to carry on their war against Britain.
That all men are created equal.
sexual abuser and bullshit artist,
Thomas Jefferson
Yes, you read that right folks……the Boston Tea Party was a protest against the British government REMOVING the tax on tea. Now why on Earth would anyone want to protest the removal of a tax resulting a cheaper product? Well, if you’re a big-time smuggler who makes a fortune selling smuggled tea, you might be a little upset at the prospect of having one part of your criminal empire collapse overnight. And, if you’re a good buddy of Sam Adams, master propagandist and guiding hand of the so-called Sons of Liberty, it’s not too hard to organize a little wanton desruction. First though, you get Sam and the boys to terrorize the agents and consignees of the East India Company with attacks on their businesses and homes. Then, the Sons of Liberty, disguised as Indians and armed with hatchets and clubs, board three ships in
1775: THIRTEEN COLONIES. “The British are coming, the British are coming!” What a great story, Paul Revere riding through the night with his famous message. Makes you feel all tingly and patriotic. But hold on to your tricorn hats, because it turns out that this story is just another lie. The cry might better be, “The Bullshit is coming, the Bullshit is coming!” The truth is that poor old Paul was stopped by British troops and never delivered his message. So why do we believe this nonsense? Largely due to the fact that, in 1860, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote the poem, Paul Revere’s Ride which starts with the immortal lines, “Listen, my children, and you shall hear/Of the
1775-76: CANADA. American "revolutionary" troops invade
1776: THIRTEEN COLONIES. John Hancock places the first signature on the Declaration of Independence. Hancock was, at the time, the President of the Continental Congress and would later be Governor of Massachusetts. But there’s gotta be more to old John than this, right? Not to put too fine a point on it, he was a big time gangster in a powdered wig. Hancock’s family had long been involved in smuggling on a huge scale. He inherited a fortune from his smuggler uncle and went on to become the biggest smuggler in the Thirteen Colonies, accumulating a further fortune, using bribery and terror to carry out his criminal enterprises.
To take a single example, Hancock smuggled about one and a half million gallons of molasses a year into the Thirteen Colonies on which he should have paid about £37,500 duty. In fact, he typically paid only £2,500. The £35,000 a year he made smuggling molasses alone was a vast sum of money in the eighteenth century, the equivalent of millions of dollars today. Hancock also smuggled huge quantities of tea and was the instigator behind the Boston Tea Party. Hancock lived the life of Riley at the pinnacle of
In the interests of fairness and justice, in 1782, the General Assembly of Virginia passed a special act naming Lynch and three of his fellow vigilantes, retroactively providing them with immunity for their crimes.
1778: THIRTEEN COLONIES. The revolutionary government allies itself with
1779: THIRTEEN COLONIES. The revolutionary government allies itself with

The U.S. Government will, in 1929, proudly issue a postage stamp commemorating this ruthless rampage of mass murder and ethnic cleansing.
1783: UNITED STATES. The Treaty of Paris ends the Revolutionary War. Among its provisions are an end to the theft of Loyalist property and compensation for Loyalist property stolen or destroyed by "patriots". In fact, the theft of Loyalist property continues after the signing of the treaty and virtually no restitution is ever made. Hundreds of thousands of Loyalists move to Canada and to other British territories.
But, you have to admit that the slaveowning bastards who orchestrated the Revolution don't discriminate as to who they screw. Two years after fighting the slaveowners' war against Britain, soldiers of the Continental Army have still not been paid. Hundreds of Revolutionary War veterans march on the State House in Philadelphia where Congress is in session and demand their pay. Courageously, Congress flees to Princeton, New Jersey and, several weeks later, the U.S. Army expels the veterans by force.