1931-32: UNITED STATES. The Wall Street Crash of 1929 leads to the Great Depression which lasts until World War Two. In the years following the Crash, the wealth of the United States is concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. The number of unemployed in the U.S. reaches seventeen million. Hundreds of thousands of Americans lose their homes. Farms and small businesses are lost to foreclosure or are abandoned. Starving refugees take to the roads, looking for a job or a meal. Often, they are met on the outskirts of towns by armed parties of vigilantes warning them to keep moving.
Since 1929, forty percent of all American banks have closed their doors and the savings of nine million individuals and families have disappeared, it would seem, into thin air. The stocks which so many were conned into buying in the twenties, are now worthless. Millions "ride the rods" and live in "hobo jungles". They are harassed and beaten by railroad police, the "bulls". Squalid, crowded and unsanitary refugee camps are a common sight on the fringes of American cities and towns. The refugee camps are called, in honor of the President Herbert Hoover, "Hoovervilles". Old newspapers, "Hoover blankets", are the only thing many people have to keep them warm at night. Men, women and even children leave their cardboard shacks in the camps each day searching and begging for food, clothing and work.
For every job, hundreds or even thousands of people line up hours in advance. Across the U.S., millions get their only meal of the day at a soup kitchen. Hundreds of thousands of teenagers leave home where they are just another mouth to feed and become hoboes. Malnutrition and untreated disease are common. By 1932, hunger marches and riots are common throughout the U.S. All this in a country with huge food surpluses and vast productive capacity lying unused.
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon advises President Hoover that shock treatment is the solution:"Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate....That will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life." Amazing advice from the multi-millionaire who had been U.S. Treasury Secretary throughout the period leading up to the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression and was largely responsible for it. You'll notice Mellon didn't say liquidate the big banks or the big oil companies or the aluminum cartel.
But this terrible poverty, misery and hopelessness afflicting tens of millions is, of course, only one side of The Great Depression in America, the side we always hear about. To a select handful of American families, the Great Depression is not a disaster at all but just another business opportunity. The Rockefellers, the Bushes, the Harrimans, the Duponts, the Mellons, the Morgans, the Carnegies, the Dulles brothers, the Dillons, the Warburgs and the rest of the ruling class and their most trusted and obedient minions still send their children to exclusive private schools. They still live in fabulous mansions, waited on hand and foot by armies of servants. They are still driven by their chauffeurs in spectacular automobiles. They still stay in extraordinarily expensive hotels. They still throw more away on an evening's diversion than many Americans earn through years of labor. In others words, life goes on for them as it always has: at someone else's expense.
With his family's lucrative totalitarian projects, George H.W. Bush's childhood began in comfort and advanced dramatically to luxury and elegance. The Bushes had a large, dark-shingled house with "broad verandas and a portecochere" (originally a roofed structure extending out to the driveway to protect the gentry who arrived in coaches) on Grove Lane in the Deer Park section of Greenwich. Here they were attended by four servants, three maids, one of whom cooked, and a chauffeur.And the Bushes are just the bum boys and errand boys to the ruling class. Imagine how the Rockefellers, Mellons, Morgans, Harrimans, Duponts, Kennedys and Carnegies made out during the Depression.
The U.S. was plunged into the Great Depression beginning with the 1929-31 financial collapse, but George Bush and his family were totally insulated from this crisis. Before and after the Crash, their lives were a frolic, sealed off from the concerns of the population at large. During the summers, the Bushes stayed in a second home on the family's ten-acre spread at Walker's Point at Kennebunkport, Maine......Grandfather Walker had built a house there for Prescott and Dorothy. They and other well-to-do summer colonists used Kennebunkport's River Club for tennis and the club's yachting facilities. In the winter season, they took the train to Grandfather Walker's plantation, called "Duncannon," near Barnwell, South Carolina. The novices were instructed in skeet shooting, then went out on horseback, following the hounds in pursuit of quail and dove. George's sister Nancy recalled "the care taken" by the servants "over the slightest things, like the trimmed edges of the grapefruit. We were waited on by the most wonderful black servants who would come into the bedrooms early in the morning and light those crackling pine-wood fires...."
The family took yet another house at Aiken, South Carolina. There the Bush children had socially acceptable "tennis and riding partners. Aiken was a southern capital of polo in those days, a winter resort of considerable distinction and serenity that attracted many Northerners, especially the equestrian oriented. The Bush children naturally rode there, too...."
Alec, the family chauffeur, drove the two boys to school every morning after dropping Prescott Bush at the railroad station for the morning commute to Manhattan. The Depression was nowhere in evidence as the boys glided in the family's black Oldsmobile past the stone fences, stables, and swimming pools of one of the wealthiest communities in America. From George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
1931: UNITED STATES. Joseph "Jittery Joe" Kennedy pulls off another major stock scam when he arranges for RKO Pictures to buy the Pathe newsreel company. Kennedy arranges that he will be paid eighty dollars a share while ordinary shareholders get one dollar and fifty cents.

Mussolini is so admired by the powers-that-be in the U.S. that Butler, the most popular military hero in the country, is arrested and court martialed by Henry Stimson, Secretary of War. Butler is ordered to retract his statement. He refuses and is forced to retire from the Marines. The Rockeller-connected Stimson has, of course, a soft soft for dictators, having himself been dictator of the U.S.-occupied Philippines under the Coolidge regime.
1931: UNITED STATES. Armed vigilantes attack striking miners in Harlan County, Kentucky.

1932: UNITED STATES. Eugenics proponents meet at the Museum of Natural History in New York at the Third International Eugenics Congress to plot the creation of a Nordic "master race". Among the sponsors are Averell Harriman's mother, Mrs. E. H. Harriman, Mrs. H. B. Dupont and nutty cornflakes magnate, Dr. J. Harvey Kellogg, founder of the Race Betterment Foundation and promoter of boxing gloves as a "cure" for masturbation in children. On the agenda is the "problem of Negroes" who, according to the delegates, should be sterilized in order to "cut off bad stock".

The Congress proceedings are dedicated to Averell Harriman's mother who had provided much of the cash for the founding of the eugenics movement in 1910.
The Bush and Harriman families provide transportation via the Hamburg-Amerika line to a number of German Nazis to facilitate their attendance at the Congress. Among them is Dr. Ernst Rudin whom the Congress elects president of the International Federation of Eugenics Societies. On returning to Germany, Rudin, whose eugenics work is funded by the Rockefellers, supervises the policy of sterilizing those Germans who are retarded, deaf, blind or alcoholic. He will soon write the Nazis' own eugenics law, based on the eugenics statute of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Funding for the Congress is generously provided by William Draper, head of Nazi finance at the Wall Street firm of Dillon (Lapowski), Read and later to be economic czar of occupied post-World War Two Germany.

1932: EL SALVADOR. U.S. warships are used to threaten peasants rising up against the U.S.-supported dictatorship of El Salvador in an attempt to recover land which had been stolen from them. The dictatorship orders its military to destroy every Indian village and to kill every man, woman and child in Indian dress. More than thirty thousand Indians, four percent of the population of the country, are killed in the genocide, virtually exterminating them in the region. The survivors of the massacre abandon Indian clothing, language and customs with the hope of becoming "invisible" to the death squads. The bloody suppression of the uprising allows the U.S.puppet dictatorship to remain in power, unchallenged, for more than three decades.
1932: UNITED STATES. Gay-baiting homosexual cross-dresser cum FBI Director J. Edna Hoover illegally uses the power of the Gestapo, sorry, the FBI, to terrorize and silence George Menhinick, a persistent critic of President Herbert Hoover. As publisher of the Wall Street Forecast, Menhinick runs articles about the dire condition of U.S. banks which is supposed to be a secret known only to the U.S. ruling class. Hoover has five agents "interrogate" Menhinick and then reports to President Hoover, "Menhinick was considerably upset over the visit of the agents. He is thoroughly scared and I do not believe that he will resume the dissemination of any information concerning the banks." Sure do love that free press.

1932: UNITED STATES/GERMANY. Throughout the year, as the Depression deepens, American gold is shipped to Germany almost every week. In mid-May almost $12,000,000 in gold is shipped.
1932: COLOMBIA. Allen Dulles takes a brief break from financing the takeover of Germany by the Nazis to fix the 1932 presidential election in Colombia on behalf of the Mellon family's Gulf Oil. The Mellons are rightly worried that a legitimately-elected government might recover the oil and mineral deposits they have managed to "acquire".

The Bonus March is duly crushed and, naturally, no one is charged with murder. General MacArthur is not court martialled for launching a murderous attack on American veterans in direct violation of an order from the president.

1932: UNITED STATES. Joseph "Jittery Joe" Kennedy becomes Franklin Delano Roosevelt's bagman. With a personal criminal fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars and contacts with other wealthy indviduals, Kennedy is well placed to produce the cash for Roosevelt. Kennedy is in business with warmonger and Nazi mouthpiece William Randolph Hearst whose media empire is ultimately swung behind Roosevelt.
1932-1936: UNITED STATES. Deep distrust of the gangsters in pinstripe suits who have brought about yet another financial catastrophe, this time the Great Depression, is a major factor in the election of Franklin Roosevelt as president. During the campaign, Roosevelt speaks to huge crowds of "the ruthless manipulation of professional gamblers and the corporate system." He scorns the "economic nobles" who control a system which allows "a few powerful interests to make industrial cannon fodder of the lives of half the population."