1900: UNITED STATES. Cuba begins to benefit mightily from its forced association with America as Walter Reed infects twenty two workers in Cuba with yellow fever paying them $100 if they survive and $200 if they contract the disease. They name a military hospital after the heroic doctor.
1900-ongoing: UNITED STATES. The ever-benevolent John D. Rockefeller gives eighty million dollars to a small Baptist college, turning it into in a major institution of higher learning, the University of Chicago.
At various times, the University of Chicago will play a role in the publication of the Encyclopedia Britannica, long considered an authoritative source of information and yet which has often been criticized for bias.
In the latter half of the twentieth century, the University of Chicago will become the primary indoctrination center in neocon philosophy headed by Rockefeller protege and fascist philosopher Leo Strauss who will churn out an impressive gang of crooks, mass murderers, fascist propaganda experts and general purpose neocon bastards including Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams, William Kristol, Douglas Feith, Abram Shulsky and last but not least the G.W. Bush regime's favorite bank swindler and con man, Achmad Chalabi.
The so-called Chicago school of economics at the University of Chicago, led by Milton Friedman, will promote worldwide a program of supposed free market economics, the predictable result of which is that the poor get ever poorer and the rich get ever richer. Among Friedman's accomplishments will be a cozy relationship with the U.S.-installed dictatorship in Chile, indoctrinating the fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet's financial bureacrats.
1900: PHILIPPINES. Genocide artist cum U.S. Army General Elwell Otis tries to deflect criticism of atrocities and torture by U.S. troops by claiming that the Filipinos who are defending their country are just as naughty as the Americans who have invaded and occupied it. Filipino leader Emilio Aguinaldo suggests that neutral journalists and representatives of the International Red Cross inspect his military operations.
Otis refuses to allow such a thing but Aguinaldo manages to smuggle four reporters,two English, one Canadian and one Japanese, into the countryside to see the treatment of American prisoners first hand. They report that American prisoners of the Filipinos are “treated more like guests than prisoners,” and are “fed the best that the country affords". The four reporters are expelled from the Philippines by the U.S. as soon as their stories are printed. American prisoners released by the Filipinos tell other reporters that they too had been well treated.1900s-1930s: UNITED STATES. Circuses travel by rail bringing excitement and entertainment to communities throughout the U.S. What the rubes, as the patrons are called, don’t know is that the circus workers are a horrifically oppressed minority, working for starvation wages, living in atrocious conditions and being systematically abused by the owners and their “security” goons. When a worker is no longer wanted, the easiest way to get rid of him and avoid paying any unpaid wages is to “redlight” him. Unknown hundreds of circus workers are thrown off moving trains. Those lucky enough to survive might be seriously injured and, crippled and penniless, left to try to survive. It’s just good business…..
1900s-1980s: AMAZON BASIN. From the early 1900s until the 1980s, Sun Oil (Sunoco), Weyerhaeuser, Standard Oil (Exxon) and Placid Oil (Hunt) work with an ostensibly Christian organization, Wycliffe Bible Translators, to grab the land and resources of native peoples living in the Amazon Basin. Following World War Two, the CIA will join the effort and work with Wycliffe, which also operates under the name of the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
Wycliffe's role is to identify potential opposition to resource exploitation by American corporations and to identify ways of undermining the social cohesion of aboriginal groups in order to render them powerless to resist the takeover of their land and resources. Wycliffe/Summer also lends its "missionary" bases in other countries to the U.S. for military purposes. Its base in the Ecuadoran Amazon is used by U.S. Army Green Berets searching for "insurgents". The "Christian" organization also provides assistance to the Peruvian Air Force which had napalmed the Mayoruna and Campa Indians.
Funding for Wycliffe/Summer is provided by Exxon, Sunoco, the U.S. military and by various CIA fronts.
1901: CHINA. U.S. Marines invade China to “secure facilities” for Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.
1901: COLOMBIA. The U.S. invades the Colombian state of Panama to “protect interests”.
1901: UNITED STATES. The U.S. Army violently suppresses a Creek Indian revolt in Oklahoma.
1901: CUBA. The infamous Platt Amendment to the U.S. Army Appropriations Bill “gives the U.S. the right (sic)” to “intervene militarily in Cuba whenever the U.S. decides such intervention is warranted.” The Cubans, still under military occupation by the U.S., are given the “option” of accepting the Platt Amendment as part of the Cuban Constitution or having the U.S. remain in occupation of Cuba forever.
1901-22: UNITED STATES. In a series of decisions, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that colonies of the United States which, as we all know, do not exist, are constitutional but that U.S. constitutional rights do not necessarily apply to the colonized peoples of the non-existent colonies. Praise the Lord we got that straight.1901: UNITED STATES. That revered American institution, the lone assassin, springs out of the woodwork at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, and fires a few shots into the Rockefellers' hand picked and financed boy, President William McKinley.
McKinley survives and seems to be recovering nicely but then, unexpectedly and unaccountably, goes downhill and dies. The culprit is one Leon Czolgosz, identified as an anarchist. At the time, native Americans having been genocided almost out of existence, anarchism was the bogey man of the day and the excuse for whatever repression was required to maintain the status quo. The war on anarchism, to coin a phrase, was especially useful in keeping factory workers laboring away in atrocious conditions for a pittance in order to further enrich the ruling class.
On McKinley's being taken into the bosom of God, the Morgans' boy, Theodore Roosevelt, vaults into the presidency, having been vice-president for only six months since the death of Garret Hobart. Roosevelt is ideal presidential material: a racist, warmongering, jingoistic tool of the Morgans. What more could the ruling elite ask for?
I don't go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of every ten are, and I shouldn't like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. Theodore RooseveltThe shooting of McKinley provides an excellent opportunity for some fear mongering and persecution. In Chicago, nine anarchists are charged with conspiracy to assassinate McKinley although there is absolutely no evidence linking them to the assassination. Another anarchist is arrested for, gasp, publishing an article in a German language anarchist paper. In Kansas, vigilantes attack a meeting of anarchists. In Wyoming, a man expressing sympathy for Czolgosz is tarred and feathered. In New York, a suspected anarchist is mobbed.

1901: CUBA. The rape of Cuba by the U.S. ruling class gets underway with a vengeance. American lumber interests move in and begin clear cutting Cuba's ten million acres of virgin timber. American companies take over mines, sugar plantations and railroads. The Rockefellers' murderous United Fruit swoops down on Cuba "buying" almost two million acres of the country for twenty cents an acre. Within a year, more than eighty percent of Cuban mineral exports are in American corporate hands.
1901-02: PHILIPPINES. The Philippine resistance to the American occupation kills fifty four American troops in the town of Balangiga on Samar Island. Fighting back against the American occupation is, of course, strictly verboten and this relatively trivial opposition to the American theft of their country by Filipino patriots is massively propagandized by the U.S. press as the Balangiga Massacre.

The U.S. then cuts food and trade in order to starve the people of Samar into submission to their American masters. U.S. troops rampage across the island looting and burning thousands of homes. And killing. In its relentless quest for justice, the United States slaughters tens of thousands of inhabitants of the island of Samar, virtually all of them helpless civilians.

A frisky volunteer from the state of Washington writes, "Our fighting blood was up, and we all wanted to kill 'niggers'....This shooting human beings beats rabbit hunting all to pieces."

Torture is standard American procedure. The so-called water cure was very widely used by the U.S. in its war against the people of the Philippines. Other beneficiaries of "benevolent assimilation" were hanged by the thumbs, dragged by horses or hung with fires then started beneath them. A favorite American torture was tying a victim to a tree and shooting him or her through the legs. The victim was shot again each day until either he "confessed" or died.
American troops routinely murdered wounded Filipinos and bragged of "taking no prisoners". Official reports claimed that fifteen Filipinos were killed by the U.S. for every one wounded, almost the inverse of the norm. General Arthur McArthur, never one to miss an opportunity for a racist comment, explained the unsual death/wounded ratio by saying that whites do not succumb to wounds as readily as people of "inferior races."
The war in the Philippines has been conducted by the American army with scrupulous regard for the rules of civilized warfare, with careful and genuine consideration for the prisoner and the non-combatant, with self-restraint, and with humanity never surpassed. Elihu Root, U.S. Secretary of War

I am now stationed in a small town in charge of twenty five men, and have a territory of twenty miles to patrol....At the best, this is a very rich country; and we want it. My way of getting it would be to put a regiment into a skirmish line, and blow every nigger into nigger heaven. On Thursday, March 29, eighteen of my company killed seventy-five nigger bolomen and ten of the nigger gunners....When we find one that is not dead, we have bayonets. U.S. Soldier1902: COLOMBIA. A U.S. naval blockade is set up and American forces invade the Colombian state of Panama to prevent the government of Colombia defending the Isthmus against an impending U.S. attack.

To what extent Roosevelt is just performing his primary task as president and lying and to what extent he is delusional remain open to debate but the Filipino people, of whom America will eventually kill almost a million and whose country will be effectively stolen from them for almost a century, would doubtless challenge Roosevelt's statement that it is a small war.
But Roosevelt's slimy racist hypocrisy at least has an appropriate venue. Arlington National Cemetery, theoretically the final resting place of valiant American warriors, will become the final resting place of some of America's worst mass murderers, Nazis and traitors.
1902: UNITED STATES. Senator George Hoar demands an investigation as evidence mounts of U.S. war crimes in the Philippines. Theodore Roosevelt resists Hoar’s demands and growing public opposition to the racist, imperialist war against the people of the Philippines and persistent reports of war crimes, atrocities and torture by American troops.
A public statement by American Brigadier General Jacob H. Smith that he intended to set the entire Philippine island of Samar ablaze and would probably wipe out most of the population, finally forces Roosevelt to do a little PR work. He gives the job of whitewashing American war crimes to dyed–in-the-wool imperialist, Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge whose standing U.S. Senate Committee on the Philippines has been studiously avoiding the question of American war crimes for months.

The report of the U.S.-installed dictator of the province of Tayabas, Major Cornelius Gardener is presented to the Committee:
Of late by reason of the conduct of the troops, such as the extensive burning of the barrios in trying to lay waste the country so that the insurgents (sic) cannot occupy it, the torturing of natives by so-called water cure and other methods, in order to obtain information, the harsh treatment of natives generally, and the failure of inexperienced, lately appointed Lieutenants commanding posts, to distinguish between those who are friendly and those unfriendly and to treat every native as if he were, whether or no, an insurrecto (sic) at heart, this favorable sentiment above referred to is being fast destroyed and a deep hatred toward us engendered.Attempts to have Major Gardener appear before the Committee are duly blocked.
A.(The victim) was tied and placed on his back under a water-tank holding probably one hundred gallons. The faucet was opened, and a stream of water was forced down or allowed to run down his throat. His throat was held so he could not prevent swallowing the water, so that he had to allow the water to run into his stomach. He was directly under the faucet, with his mouth held wide open. When he was filled with water, it was forced out of him by pressing a foot on his stomach or else with the hands; and this continued from five to fifteen minutes." A native interpreter stood directly over this man as he lay on the floor, and "kept saying some one word which I should judge meant 'confess' or 'answer.' When this unhappy man was taken down and asked more questions, he again refused to answer, and then was treated again.Private William L Smith corroborates Sergeant Riley's testimony and admits that he had assisted in the complete destruction by burning of the town of Igbaras, a town of ten thousand people. Sergeant Edward J. Davis related other incidents of torture by U.S. forces and the burning of another town of twelve thousand people. Other witnesses recounted similar incidents.
Q. In front?
A. Yes, on the stone walk. They started to take him inside the building, and Captain Glenn said, "Don't take him inside. Right here is good enough." One of the men of the Eighteenth Infantry went to his saddle and took a syringe from the saddlebag, and another man was sent for a can of water, what we call a kerosene can, holding about five gallons. He brought this can of water down from upstairs, and then a syringe was inserted one end in the water and the other end in his mouth. This time he was not bound, but he was held by four or five men and the water was forced into his mouth from the can, through the syringe.
Q. Was this another party?
A. No, this was the same man. The syringe did not seem to have the desired effect, and the doctor ordered a second one. The man got a second syringe, and that was inserted in his nose. Then the doctor (Dr. Lyons, an American) ordered some salt, and a handful of salt was procured and thrown into the water. Two syringes were then in operation. The interpreter stood over him in the meantime asking for this second information that was desired. Finally, he gave in and gave the information that they sought, and then he was allowed to rise.
Until recently, I had thought that these things (torture) were sporadic and isolated, but I have been forced to the belief that they are but a part of the general plan of campaign. Senator Joseph Lafayette RawlinsBy a strict party vote, the Committee refuses to call other proposed witnesses, calling witnesses instead from a "safe" list created by the U.S. War Department. The attempt to hide the truth of what the U.S. is doing to the Filipino people backfires when the veterans on the safe list begin lecturing the anti-imperialist members of the Committee on the need to shoot and/or burn all Filipinos because of their "inability to appreciate human kindness."
1902: PHILIPPINES. U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt declares that the U.S. war against the Filipino people has ended but, inevitably, it's just another lie. The Filipinos' resistance to the occupation of their country by the U.S. continues unabated. The Filipinos defending their country against the U.S. are, in the usual way, referred to as insurgents by the U.S. government and by the ever-cooperative U.S. press. In total, the U.S. will use just under 130,000 troops to invade and occupy the Philippines. The American troops will be led by a total of thirty generals, twenty six of whom are highly qualified for the job, having been engaged in the United States Government's genocide of native Americans.

We have pacified some thousands of the islanders and buried them; destroyed their fields; burned their villages, and turned their widows and orphans out-of-doors; furnished heartbreak by exile to some dozens of disagreeable patriots and subjugated the remaining ten millions by Benevolent Assimilation, which is the pious new name of the musket. Mark TwainThe U.S. conducts a military occupation of the Philippines until the 1920s. After the U.S. ceases direct military occupation, it installs a series of brutal dictatorships, armed, supported and controlled by the U.S., culminating in the viciously repressive and rapacious regime of Ferdinand Marcos. While stealing billions for themselves and their cronies, the dictatorships repay their American benefactors by permitting the U.S. military to construct and maintain massive military bases in the Philippines and to use Filipinos as vast pool of cheap and politically powerless labor.
Among the many notable American accomplishments in the Philippines was the destruction of the first republic to be established in Asia.
1902: PHILIPPINES/UNITED STATES. Pressure by anti-imperialist groups in the U.S. finally forces the War Department to charge two American officers in connection with the Samar holocaust. Major Littleton Waller is charged with ordering the execution of eleven Filipino guides who had committed the crime of finding edible roots without telling American troops about them. During the court martial, Waller testified that, during a single eleven day period, his men burned more than two hundred and fifty homes, shot thirteen water buffalo and killed thirty nine people. Waller's defense was the admirable one that he was simply "following orders" The standard Nazi defence seems perfectly reasonable to the court martial board and Waller is duly acquitted.

I personally strung up thirty-five Filipinos without trial, so what was all the fuss over Waller's "dispatching" a few "treacherous savages"? If there had been more Smiths and Wallers, the war would have been over long ago. Impromptu domestic hanging might also hasten the end of the war. For starters, all Americans who had recently petitioned Congress to sue for peace in the Philippines should be dragged out of their homes and lynched. Colonel Frederick Funston at a banquet in Chicago.In the fine tradition of the American military, Funston, a self-confessed mass murderer and a man who advocated lynching Americans for practising freedom of speech, will be forever honored by having Fort Funston in California named after him.

It may be necessary to kill half the Filipinos in order that the remaining half of the population may be advanced to a higher plane of life than their present semi-barbarous state affords. U.S. General William ShafterThe Moros had never been conquered during three hundred years of Spanish rule and their territory, which comprised just under half of the area of the Philippines, was not part of the treaty between Spain and the U.S. The American war against the Moros was a completely separate war of imperial conquest. The first major massacre by the U.S. is at Padang Karbala. American trooops attack the town with three hundred troops and sophisticated weaponry. Hundreds of Moros are killed.
The Moros will carry on a guerrilla war against the invaders for eleven years. More than one hundred thousand people, the vast majority civilians, will be killed by the U.S.
1903: HONDURAS. U.S. Marines invade to stop a popular revolution against the U.S. client Honduran dictatorship.
1903-present: CUBA. Using the Platt Amendment as the “legal” basis, the U.S. steals and occupies a large area of land around Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in order to construct a massive naval base which, a century later, will be used as part of a worldwide network of offshore concentration camps and torture centers by the Government of the United States of America.

The first known powered flight was by Augustus Herring in Michigan in 1899. In March of 1902, Richard Pearse flew a heavier than air motorized plane in New Zealand. What the Wright brothers did was develop a way of controlling the plane once it was in the air. Contrary to the North Carolina license plate and all the lies were have been told for a hundred years, the Wright brothers were not “first in flight”.

A fabulous propaganda opportunity arises when a circus elephant, Topsy, is to be “executed” for killing three people, one of whom had fed her a lit cigarette. Edison offers to electrocute Topsy, using alternating current, thereby demonstrating that it is terribly dangerous and not suited for use in the U.S. electrical system.
Topsy is duly electrocuted by Edison in front of a crowd of fifteen hundred people. What the crowd doesn’t know is that Topsy has been fed carrots laced with a pound of potassium cyanide just to make sure she really dies as advertised.
Edison makes a film of the “execution” and shows it to audiences throughout the U.S. in what might be the first, but certainly not the last, use of the motion picture for propaganda purposes in America. Unfortunately for Edison, Topsy's killing doesn’t succeed in creating enough fear of alternating current and he loses the battle with Westinghouse.
1903-04: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. U.S. forces invade and occupy the capital city of Santo Domingo to “protect American interests” by preventing a nationalist revolution against the U.S.-supported dictatorship.
1903-1907: UNITED STATES. Merchants of death, the Dupont family, buy out more than one hundred of their American competitors and close them down, leaving themselves pretty much in a monopoly position in the death by chemistry biz.
1903-14: COLOMBIA. The government of Colombia refuses to cave in to U.S.-dictated conditions for the construction of a canal through the Isthmus of Panama.The JP Morgan banking interests, which essentially own the Roosevelt regime, buy, for a pittance, the shares of the French company which had been trying to build a canal through the Isthmus.

The farcical Hay-Buneau Treaty is signed, purporting to grant the U.S. authority over a ten mile wide strip of "Panama" in perpetuity. Giving away the land on behalf of the invented country of "Panama" is a Frenchman named Buneau, a shareholder of the French company which had failed in its attempt to build a canal. After providing his meaningless signature on the document signing away "Panama's" territory, Buneau hotfoots it to Washington for his cash payoff and then goes home to France, never to set foot in the mythical nation of "Panama" again.
The Roosevelt regime hands $40 million of U.S. government money to the Morgan interests which had acquired the worthless French canal company prior to the "revolution". By amazing coincidence, one of the major beneficiaries of the scam is Teddy Roosevelt's brother-in-law Douglas E. Robinson, a director of Morgan's Astor National Bank who pockets a cool six million bucks.
William Cromwell is made the fiscal agent of the newly invented "nation" of Panama, a very profitable position. His law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell and its two star shysters, brothers Allen and John Foster Dulles, will go on to play the pivotal role in organizing the cartels and business deals which will eventually bring us Adolf Hitler and the Second World War.

1904: UNITED STATES. Racist war monger and Nazi mouthpiece-to-be William Randolph Hearst begins publishing articles in his San Francisco Chronicle on the yellow menace of Japanese laborers in California. Hearst's hate and fear campaign will lead to the California legislature passing a resolution that Japanese immigration must be prevented.
1904: UNITED STATES. As the slaughter in the Philippines rages on, censorship and self-censorship prevent the publication of Mark Twain's War Prayer, a scathing indictment of the unholy alliance of religion and false patriotism which is invariably used to manipulate Americans into supporting the imperial war du jour. Harper's Bazaar refuses to print the story and since Twain is under contract to them, he cannot publish it elsewhere. Twain later concedes that he avoided publishing the story in subsequent years because "he had a family to support" and publication of the War Prayer in the land of the free would effectively end his career. Twain wrote to a friend, "Only dead men can tell the truth in this world." The War Prayer is duly published after his death.
1904: UNITED STATES. John D. Rockefeller issues his "Occasional Letter No.1" detailing plans to mold the character of the people of the United States, to reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator and to destroy parental influence, tradition and customs "in order to perfect human nature".
1904: UNITED STATES. The Colorado Militia is used to suppress a miners' strike at Dunnville. Six strikers are killed. Almost eighty miners are "deported" to Kansas.
1904: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. U.S. and British forces invade and occupy Puerto Plata, Sosua and Santo Domingo to “protect national interests”.
1904: PANAMA. U.S. forces invade the recently invented "nation" of Panama to suppress the Panamanian independence movement. Can't be havin' no locals runnin' the place.
1904-05: KOREA. U.S. Marines invade and intervene in the Russo-Japanese war.