1929-41: UNITED STATES. The Wall Street Crash is the opening act in the Great Depression, the latest production of the boys in the back room who own the private company operating under the deceptive name of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve was supposedly created to prevent such things as the Wall Street Crash happening. But, from 1921 to 1929, the Fed dramatically increases the U.S. money supply, fueling massive speculation.
Throughout the 1920s, Americans with modest income and savings are lured into the stock market in large numbers by the ruling class including the Rockefellers, the Morgans and the Dillons. People who know nothing of the true forces and limitless skullduggery behind financial markets and cannot afford to lose the money they invest are persuaded to pay artificially inflated prices for hundreds of millions of shares. Suckers are lured into the market with the trick of buying on margin. A purchaser puts down ten percent of the value of the shares being bought and then counts on the continuing inflation of share prices to make a profit. It's like getting something for nothing. With millions of suckers lured into the market, share prices are driven up and, for a while, John Q. Sucker, looks like coming out ahead.
However, that is not the nature of the financial world. In fact, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Dillons and their minions are fleecing ordinary Americans of hundreds of millions of dollars in an orgy of financial scams many of which will be later uncovered in the long-suppressed Pecora Hearings. Massive manipulation and speculation drives share prices to unsupportable levels. A few months before the Crash, word has it that the Rockefellers, Joe Kennedy and all the other scam artists quietly exit the market, selling when the artificially inflated prices are sky high. On October 24th, the big banks, owned by the same unindicted co-conspirators, call the loans to the suckers. Invevitably, a selling panic ensues and the whole house of cards collapses. Gee, what a surprise.
It is seldom considered, however, that most of the shares which crashed on October 29 and in the next two weeks had been bought for some thirty billion dollars more than they were ultimately sold for, an astonishing amount of money in 1929, most of which ended up in the pockets of some individuals in the know. Neither is it considered who rushed in to buy up the vast numbers of shares being dumped during and after Black Tuesday, acquiring companies and their assets for pennies on the dollar. The Crash and the Depression which followed were, for some, not so much a disaster as simply another business opportunity in which they could snap up assets for a fraction of their true value and, simultaneously, and very importantly, drive down the cost of labor.
is to buy
when blood is running in the streets.
Of course, it helps if you are in a position to make the blood run in the streets. Over the next ten years, tens of millions of Americans will pay the price in untold misery and hardship for the accumulation of yet more wealth by the handful of families which constitute the American ruling class.
Following the Crash, the boys who run the Federal Reserve contract the money supply, plunging the U.S. into the Great Depression and making it possible to snap up anything they want including farms, businesses and land for pennies on the dollar. Not coincidentally, hundreds of small banks which provide the big boys with a bit of competition, are also driven to the wall and snapped up.

As a little gift to his oil industry buddies and to his own Gulf Oil, he also introduced the "oil depletion allowance", a cute little accounting scam which reduces the taxes paid by oil companies almost to zero. The multi-millionaire Mellon claimed to be a believer in the so-called "trickle down" theory of economics under which, if you make the ultra-wealthy even wealthier, tiny drips of cash will theoretically "trickle down", sooner or later, to the underclass. Mellon refused to give tax breaks to the poor on the perfectly understandable grounds that they would just piss it away on food, clothing and shelter.
Mellon clearly recognized that, for some, the Great Depression was a good thing, a fine business opportunity, and made no bones about it. "People will work harder, live a more moral life," the millionaire Mellon pontificated as the Great Depression deepened. "Enterprising people will pick up the wrecks from less competent people."
call it Americanism, call it capitalism,
call it what you like,
gives each and every one of us
a great opportunity
if we only seize it with both hands
and make the most of it.
By 1933, the value of the shares on the New York Stock Exchange is less than a fifth of what it had been at its peak in 1929. Businesses close their doors, factories shut down and banks fail. Farm income falls by fifty percent. By 1932, approximately one out of every four American workers is unemployed and many of those who have jobs are working for a fraction of their pre-Crash wages.
Between 1929 and 1933, forty percent of all the banks in the United States, some 10,797 out of the 25,568 existing in 1929, fail, taking their depositors' savings with them. As is the case with the stock market crash, in bank failures, for every loser, somewhere there is a winner. Every single dollar deposited by the Americans who lost everything in the bank failures ended up in someone's pocket somewhere. And, as a nice little benefit for the Rockefellers and Morgans, forty percent of competing banks in the U.S. ceased to exist.
The U.S. economy's output of goods and services (GNP) declines by thirty percent between 1929 and 1933 and recovers to the 1929 level only in 1939 with the boom times of World War Two. Prior to 1939, business investment in the U.S. comes almost to a standstill; the Rockefellers, Harrimans, Duponts, Fords, Mellons and the rest of the U.S. ruling class have other priorities: investing vast sums of money in Nazi Germany and the arming of Adolf Hitler.
When voters give Mellon and Hoover the boot in 1932, Roosevelt's New Deal relieves some of the suffering of ordinary Americans through extensive public works programs. As many as twelve million Americans work at some time on public works or in relief jobs (through the Public Works Administration, the Works Project Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps). What ultimately ends the Great Depression however, is the fabulous business opportunity known as World War Two.
International bankers sought to bring about
a condition of despair
so that they might emerge
the rulers of us all.

The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers.
The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties. New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

Davenport maintains close links with institutions and individuals in Nazi Germany and holds editorial positions on two influential German "scientific" journals. One of Davenport's most important Nazi collaborators is Otto Reche, who will become an important figure in the Nazi scheme to "remove" those humans considered "inferior".
1929-42: UNITED STATES/GERMANY. For half a century prior to 1929, Wall Street's most powerful law firm, Sullivan und Cromwell has provided, for a price, the legal smokescreens behind which a large proportion of the U.S. ruling class have done their dirty work. Following the First World War, the "international finance specialists" of Sullivan und Cromwell are none other than Rockefeller cousins John Foster and Allen Dulles. Both are violently anti-Semitic and boycott their sister’s wedding because she is marrying, gasp, a Jew.

In addition to arranging financing of ventures inside Nazi Germany, the Dulles brothers organize a labyrinth of hundreds of corporations in the United States and Central and South America to provide fronts behind which Farben and other Nazi companies can operate secretly when war comes. Among them are the pharmaceutical and chemical companies Bayer, Agfa, Schering, Winthrop and Sterling.
A secret agreement is arranged by Sullivan und Cromwell under which the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil will collect royalty payments on thousands of patents for IG Farben, even if the U.S. goes to war with Germany.
A massive investment in Nazi Germany is made by the U.S. ruling class while the United States itself languishes in the Great Depression and tens of millions of Americans are unemployed and losing their homes, farms and businesses to the banks owned by the Rockefellers and their clubmates.

1930: UNITED STATES. Customs officers in the land of the free seize copies of Voltaire’s Candide on their way to Harvard. Too dangerous for "free" people in a "free" country to be reading.
will commit atrocities.
Religion is not merely
the opium of the masses,
it's the cyanide.
A lie is a lie
even if everyone believes it.
The truth is the truth
even if no one believes it.

In August, a young woman named Eunice Pringle makes an accusation of rape against Pantages who is convicted and sentenced to fifty years in jail. On appeal, the conviction is overturned when Pantages' lawyer demonstrates that the claimed rape was a physical impossibility.
Ruined by the bad publicity, Pantages is ultimately forced to sell his chain to Kennedy for less than half of the amount originally offered.
There are conflicting versions of what caused Pringle to make the false rape accusation, foremost of which is that Kennedy gave Pringle $10,000 to do it. Whatever the truth of that, Pantages was ruined and Kennedy, a man possessed of not a single scruple, got the Pantages theater chain.
1930: UNITED STATES. A black man, George Hughes, is accused of raping a white woman in Sherman, Texas. A white mob dynamites the courthouse in which Hughes is being held, burning him to death. The mob then seizes his corpse, cuts off his genitals and drags his body through the black business district before burning it to the ground. To this day, the county where Hughes was murdered has only two black professionals.

The structure of the BIS, safely tucked away in war-free Basle, Switzerland, is inspired by none other than Hjalmar Schacht, who will shortly become Nazi Germany's Minister of Economics and president of the Reichsbank, a man with powerful Wall Street connections. Even before Hitler rose to political power, Schacht had pushed for an institution which would maintain channels of communication and collusion between the world's financial leaders in the event of a world war. By its very structure, agreed to by the governments of all participating nations, the BIS is the perfect instrument for the boys in the back room. Written into the BIS charter is total immunity from closure, seizure or censure, regardless of who is at war with who. How convenient.
By 1939, the BIS will have invested millions in Nazi Germany while the Nazis, in turn, will have deposited vast sums looted from various groups of "subhumans" into the BIS. Aside from laundering Nazi loot, the BIS will grow to be a supranational club with membership restricted to the handful of families who have defacto control of much of the global economy.

but applied biology.

The Hamburg-Amerika line carries weapons, largely manufactured by Rockefeller-owned Remington Arms, from the United States to Germany to be used by the Nazis in their rise to power through the intimidation of the German population and the murder of anti-Nazi politicians. Hamburg-Amerika also routinely carries Nazi propagandists and propaganda materials into the U.S. The shipping line will later serve as an important conduit for the introduction of German spies into the United States and for the transportation of hundreds of stolen American defense secrets to Germany.

The crossdressing, gay-baiting, homosexual, conspicuous non-combatant J. Edgar Hoover's response is to create his own ministry of propaganda which will exploit the situation to create a completely false image of both the FBI and of himself in the minds of Americans.
Hoover hires one Courtney Ryley Cooper who has a varied past as a circus clown, as a press agent for "Buffalo" Bill Cody and as a writer of pulp westerns to immortalize the transvestite FBI Director. Cooper will use his overblown imagination to create the relentless stream of lies, misinformation, disinformation and propaganda which will make Hoover a household name in the U.S. by the end of the 1930s.
1930: UNITED STATES. More than one hundred farm workers are arrested in California's Imperial Valley for attempting to form unions. Eight are convicted of "criminal syndicalism". Can't be havin' no organized peons in the land of the free.
1930s: UNITED STATES. Michael Fooner of the FBI makes the mistake of supporting the formation of an FBI branch of the Federation of Government Employees. When, forty years later, he gets hold of the file J. Edgar Hoover then assembles on him, it will be six inches thick.
1930s: UNITED STATES. Nazi supporter and Jew hater Henry Ford uses his Mafia connections to terrorize workers attempting to unionize Ford factories. Ford's right hand man, Harry Bennett, maintains personal contact with Joe Tocco and Leo Cellura of the Detroit mob and arranges Ford motor vehicle franchises for mob associates. Mob-supplied thugs beat up Walter Reuther and others trying to organize Ford workers. Eventually Bennett assembles his own in-house gang of thugs, armed with pistols, blackjacks and lengths of rubber hose to break up union meetings and attack union activists.

Anslinger's war against marijuana may have something to do with the fact that his patron, Mellon, is heavily involved with the Dupont interests whose petrochemical-based fibers are in direct competition with hemp, which is grown on on an industrial scale and promises to provide a wide range of fibers, chemical feedstocks and other raw materials for industry in sharp competition with oil. Anslinger sabotages attempts by the medical profession to use marijuana and other "narcotics" for pain relief.
In the classic fashion of the U.S. ruling class and its minions, Anslinger plays both sides of the street and, in the 1950s, becomes the morphine supplier to alcoholic druggie witch hunter Senator Joseph McCarthy. Following his retirement in the 1970s, after decades of blocking the medical use of "narcotics" for pain relief, Anslinger ends up taking morphine to control his own pain.
Two Negroes took a girl fourteen years old and kept her for two days under the influence of marijuana. Upon recovery, she was found to be suffering from syphilis. From anti-marijuana propaganda article by Harry Anslinger published in Hearst's American Magazine.A very nice combination of fear mongering, racism and anti-hemp propaganda from the highly principled Hearst.

1930: UNITED STATES. Harriman family errand boy and front man, Prescott Bush, takes time out from financing the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to organize the finance for William Paley to buy the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), at the time a radio network but soon to evolve into America's largest television network. Paley will be forever grateful to Bush, Harriman and the rest of the Hitler Project gang and will happily make CBS available to the CIA for propaganda and psychological warfare operations against the people of the United States.
1930s: UNITED STATES. The Black Legion, affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan, is formed in Detroit. Members swear to "support God" and to give their all in any "war" against Catholics, Jews, Negroes, aliens (presumably foreigners not extra-terrestrials) and Communists. Each member pays $7 for a KKK-like robe complete with skull and crossbones, pays ten cents a month in dues and is required to own a pistol.

1930s-1985: UNITED STATES/NAZI GERMANY. Herr Doktor Erich Traub leads a varied and interesting life. In the 1930s, the German scientist is trained in the fine art of manipulating bacteria and viruses at the Rockefeller Institute in Princeton, New Jersey. He rounds out his first term in the U.S. with membership in the Amerika-Deutscher Volksbund, a German-American ‘club’ also known as Camp Sigfried. Camp Sigfried is the national headquarters of the American Nazi movement.

The PNP completely rejects participation in the charade of politics and colonial elections stage-managed by the U.S. They proclaim the obvious fact that U.S. domination of Puerto Rico is illegitimate and refuse to recognize the colonial occupying authorities, their courts or their laws. The PNP accuses the U.S. of causing the ruin and poverty of Puerto Rico's people. Most daring of all, they maintain that Puerto Ricans have the right to wage armed struggle against the U.S. invaders and occupiers in order to gain their liberty.

According to the U.S. State Department, Transradio, with the full knowledge of RCA head, David Sarnoff, maintained a direct line to Berlin throughout World War Two providing an unmonitored channel for sending vast amounts of intelligence to the Nazis.

By the time his American masters inevitably turn on him in 1960 and the CIA under Nazi shyster Allen Dulles begins to plot his murder, Trujillo has tortured and murdered unknown tens of thousands of Dominicans and murdered twenty thousand Haitians. By the end of his U.S.-maintained dictatorship, Trujillo and his family will have “acquired” seventy percent of the land and ninety percent of the industry of the country while the vast majority of its people live short lives of fear and hopeless poverty.
1930s-1972: UNITED STATES. J. Edgar Hoover brings all "law enforcement" propaganda in the U.S. under his personal control. With his paid sychophant, Courtney Ryley Cooper still churning out shamelessly flattering fluff, and the ever-compliant mass media delivering the lies to an unsuspecting American public, Hoover hires Louis "Nick the Greek" Nichols to mastermind an ongoing nationwide propaganda campaign. Nichols creates the deviously-named FBI "Crime Records" division which is simply a massive misuse of taxpayers' money and FBI resources to convince the American public of the greatness of J. Edgar Hoover and the fantasy image of the FBI he wants to project.

Hoover cultivates gossip columnist Walter Winchell who, provided with "tips" by Hoover, becomes one of the biggest outlets for Hoover's self-promotion campaign. During the first thirty five years of Hoover's reign, only a single major American publication, the New Yorker, will dare to publish material on the FBI which has not been invented or sanitized by Hoover and Nichols. Ain't nothin' like a free press, is there?

A survey of 11,000 American school boys in 1936 shows that J. Edgar Hoover has become the second most popular person in the United States, second only to Robert Ripley of Ripley's Believe it or Not, a stunning comment on Hoover's effectiveness in manipulating the mass media into doing his bidding.

(of Masters of Deceit). Once again you have gone
into the forefront of the defense of our nation against the Commie rats.
Nichols' hacks churn out another blatant propaganda piece, a book entitled The FBI Story. The propaganda value of the book is greatly multiplied when Warner Brothers makes a movie of it. Both Jack Warner and Jimmy Stewart, who starred in the movie, had long been cultivated and given special favors and treatment by Hoover at the expense of American taxpayers.

1930-1996: UNITED STATES. Thomas Midgley, developer of one of the world's most dangerous and toxic substances, tetraethyl lead, outdoes himself and invents the refrigerant Freon for the Duponts' General Motors. The invention will cement Midgley's position as the single individual in history most responsible for the destruction of the environment.
Over the years, millions of pounds of Freon will be released, migrating high into the atmosphere, degrading into chlorine and eventually causing wholesale destruction of the ozone layer, a protective barrier essential to life on Earth.

Increased UV levels also have profound effects food production, both on land and in the sea.
A disinformation campaign, typified by the efforts of conspicuous non-combatant and drug abuser Rush Limbaugh, attempts to convince the public that since Freon is heavier than air, it cannot rise into the atmosphere. If fact, Freon and other chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are carried high into the atmosphere by wind and convection currents and are present in almost equal concentrations from ground level up to six miles high and, in lower concentrations, much higher than that.