1935: GERMANY. At the personal request of Adolf Hitler, General Motors constructs a new plant near Berlin for the manufacture of the Wehrmacht's “Blitz” military truck. The Blitz truck is a vital element in the Wehrmacht’s planned blitzkrieg (lightning war) against Czechoslovakia, Poland, France and other European nations. General Motors also builds armored cars and tanks for the Nazi conquest of Europe and for the planned invasion and destruction of the Soviet Union. It's just good business.
1935-41: ITALY. John J. McCloy, a Wall Street lawyer with strong connections to the Morgans, Harrimans and Rockefellers, is active in providing finance for the rebuilding of Germany by the Nazis and counts among his distinguished clientele Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.
1935: UNITED STATES. After millions of Americans have died from the deficiency disease, pellagra, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to control the disease. The director of the USPHS admits that the agency had known for more than two decades that pellagra is caused by a dietary deficiency of niacin but did nothing because the majority of deaths occurred among poor black people.
1935: UNITED STATES. The battle cry of the New World Order, complete with whips and gas chambers, is sounded, not by designated villain-of-record Adolf Hitler, but by.....the Rockefellers. Man the Unknown by Dr. Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute in New York is published. The Nobel Prize-winner lays out very clearly the methods to be followed by the New World Order.
"Enormous sums are now required to maintain prisons and insane asylums," writes Carrel. "Why do we preserve these useless and harmful beings? This fact must be squarely faced. Why should society not dispose of the criminals and the insane in a more economical manner?...The community must be protected against troublesome and dangerous elements....Perhaps prisons should be abolished...The conditioning of the petty criminal with the whip, or some more scientific procedure, followed by a short stay in hospital, would probably suffice to insure (sic) order. (Criminals, including those) who have...misled the public on important matters, should be humanely and economically disposed of in small euthanasic institutions supplied with proper gases. A similar treatment could be advantageously applied to the insane, guilty of criminal acts.''
Presumably this disposal "with proper gases" of persons who have "misled the public on important matters" would not apply to people who are named Bush, Walker, Harriman, Rockefeller or Dulles. Who would run the country?
1935: PHILIPPINES. Filipinos rise up against the U.S. occupation of their country in the Sakdal uprising, taking control of government buildings in fourteen towns. In Tagalog, one of the major Philippine languages, Sakdal means "accuse". The word signifies the anger of Filipinos who are now half-starved, landless peasants working as virtual slave labor on huge plantations under the American occupation of their country. The Sakdals call for lower taxes on the poor, land reform and an immediate end to the U.S. occupation. Troops of the U.S. puppet government of the Philippines are used to crush the Sakdal rebellion, slaughtering over a hundred Filipinos and wounding hundreds more.1935: UNITED STATES. John Foster Dulles who, through the robber barons' favorite law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, is orchestrating arms and finance for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis for their takeover of Germany and ultimately all of Europe, is the author of a major article in the Atlantic Monthly entitled "The Road to Peace." Dulles explains away Germany’s secret rearmament, which he has had a key role in arranging, as an action to "take back their freedom". Dulles assures Americans that the Nazis and the Italian Fascists are interested only in peace. Would John Foster Dulles lie?
1935: UNITED STATES. The conspiracy of Nazi armaments maker General Motors and Nazi fuel supplier Standard Oil with Mack Truck, Phillips Petroleum and Firestone Tires to increase car, bus, fuel and tire sales in the U.S. by destroying streetcar and urban light rail systems isn't going quite as quickly as the conspirators might have hoped; too many utilities are refusing to sell out their systems.But then, as though by magic, everything changes. Congress enacts the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 which has the effect of stripping transit lines away from their utilities and forcing them onto the market where they are snapped up and destroyed by General Motors, Standard Oil et al.
1935: PUERTO RICO. At the University of Puerto Rico in Río Piedras police massacre four members of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party (PNP), which is struggling to end the U.S. occupation of Puerto Rico. Another PNP member is seriously wounded. A witness testifies that she saw police shooting at the PNP members and one policeman screaming not to let them "escape alive". Naturally, no charges are laid against the police involved. They are, instead, promoted.
There is today more widespread misery and destitution and far more unemployment in Puerto Rico than at any previous time in its history.1935: UNITED STATES. In an article in the publication Common Sense, Major General Smedley Butler, former commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, states that the Harriman family's notorious Brown Brothers, Harriman bank is behind the U.S. Marines acting like 'racketeers' and 'gangsters' in order to exploit the peasants of Nicaragua. Unsurprisingly, Nazi financier Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George "I'm A Lyin' Guy" Bush, is Managing Director of Brown Brothers, Harriman.
Harold Ickes, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, 1935

I spent thirty three years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street.
I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents. Smedley Butler

1935-1972: UNITED STATES. The Bureau of Investigation (BI) changes its name to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) but, the Bureau is still the personal instrument of control, revenge and repression of megalomaniacal transvestite and gay basher, J. Edgar Hoover, whose personal crime wave against the people of the United States will continue unabated until his long overdue death in 1972.

Under Hoover, the FBI will keep files on every politician who makes it to to Capitol Hill, providing a rich source of blackmail material with which to control American politicians. Hoover's appearances before the House Appropriations Committee are, therefore, not too stressful. From 1924 to 1971, there will not be a single public hearing into the ever-escalating FBI budget.
Throughout his reign, Hoover will fake crime statistics, misrepresent responsibility for the solution of crimes and terrorize FBI agents and employees who know they must do Hoover's bidding or else.

1935-1972: UNITED STATES. The FBI under Director J. Edgar Hoover conducts headline-grabbing manhunts during the mid-thirties but can't seem to get around to going after the Mafia which operates in the U.S. with no interference from the FBI. The mob is run nationally by Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky who had divided up the country among the various Mafia families at a meeting in Atlantic City in 1929.

In 1946, the owner of a major racing wire service begins telling the FBI all he knows about the mob and their connections "which lead to very high places". Hoover refuses to provide protection and James Ragen is soon murdered. After Ragen is killed, Hoover orders all investigations into his allegations dropped.
Agents knew perfectly well that it was FBI policy to ignore the Mafia and to suppress information about it. Hoover actually claimed on numerous occasions that the Mafia did not exist. Agents who received information about the mob simply filed it away, without once using the word "Mafia". Overeager agents, who actually attempted to get the goods on the mob, were transferred to hardship posts in the middle of nowhere.
There was never any serious attempt to indict Lansky until 1970 and then the IRS went after him for income tax evasion. After a lifetime of crime, Lansky died peacefully, wealthy and unprosecuted in 1983.

To further hide the ownership of American Bosch, Dulles creates another layer of corporate deception which appears to transfer the ownership of Bosch to Swedish interests via a Delaware corporation, Providentia, of which Dulles himself is the sole voting trustee.
In July 1941, American Bosch refuses to provide the U.S. government with Diesel injectors for the U.S. military. In May 1942, American Bosch is confiscated under the Alien Property Custodian Act by which time the great patriot Dulles has succeeded in delaying the widespread manufacturing of Diesel engines in the U.S. for five years during the critical period when America was trying to rebuild its military strength.

Always ready to support Fascism, not to mention racism, Time Magazine writes:
The attitude of Italians toward conquered Ethiopia is Christian in its readiness to collaborate with and convert the heathen and Roman in its drastic finality. The Pax Romana over Ethiopia has always been envisioned by the Dictator as something to be attained and consolidated in a matter of some twenty five years, if indeed Ethiopian savages can be brought to civilized citizenship so soon.

The U.S. government imposes an arms embargo on both sides but, since Franco is already being fully armed by Hitler and Mussolini, and assisted by the Luftwaffe's bombers and fighters, the embargo has the effect of bringing about the defeat of the elected Spanish government and the victory of the fascists. Strangely enough, the U.S. embargo doesn't prevent the Texas Oil Company (Texaco), under the firm guiding hand of registered Nazi spy and fuel supplier Torkild Rieber, supplying the Spanish Fascists with more than six million tons of oil with which to fuel its overthrow of the Spanish government. Inevitably, the Rockefellers' Standard oil also provides oil to the Fascists.

Crusader Oil builds and operates a major refinery in Hamburg called Eurotank with financing courtesy of the First National Bank of Boston. Crusader’s owner, William Rhodes Davis, becomes a registered agent of the German spy agency, the Abwehr, and passes American defense secrets to the Nazis. Prior to the declaration of war on the U.S. by Hitler, Davis receives large sums of money from the Nazis for propaganda and political campaigns to keep the U.S. out of the war.

One of Freeman's first victims will be Rosemary Kennedy, daughter of bootlegger, stock market swindler and Jew hater Joseph Kennedy, whose behavior is an embarrasment to Kennedy. Rosemary's brain will be largely destroyed by Freeman and she will spend the remaining sixty years of her life institutionalized and hopelessly handicapped.
Seeking to speed up the procedure, Freeman invents the "ice pick" or transorbital lobotomy, in which he literally hammers kitchen ice picks through the back of each eye socket into the brain and wiggles them around, destroying the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex. Freeman, who is not a surgeon, carries out the procedure anywhere, in ten minutes, under local anesthetic or, sometimes, with the victim rendered unconcious by electroshock.
His goal is to popularize the procedure and have it carried out routinely in locations which have neither surgical nor anesthetic facilities. Freeman tours the country in what he blithely calls his "lobotomobile" demonstrating the procedure to the staffs of state hospitals. Frequently, he shows off by icepicking both of a patient's eye sockets at one time, one with each hand. Newspapers of the day describe Freeman's icepick lobotomies as "easier than curing a toothache."

Freeman operates unchecked by the American medical profession, or the media, until 1967 when one of his victims dies of a brain hemorrhage and his license to practice medicine is revoked. Freeman will continue to tour the country in his "lobotomobile" until his death in 1972